Deep into the green of the forest
I once took to safari
To discover the secrets of the wild.
Among the thickets and the bushes
I saw a flower in blossom
Shining like in its first day of bloom.
That was one time my eyes fell on you
Among the population in my home town
Like the flower that I saw...
It was you shining among them
You comforted my heart
Making me come up to you.
That was then the day
Like a dove that had lost its partner
I cooed, you to woo.
How you made me discover my lyrics again
To you I sang and danced
Song after song I spoke my heart to you.
Little did I know wild flower
You would return love in abundance
Like the sands of the sea...
Day after day I shovel for love
Ever abundant, never ending
The reason my heart follows you.
Tempted and pleased with your ways
In the wild I would never let you be.
With care and utmost wanting I dug you up
Planting you in the garden of my heart
There you flourish
There you bloom and shine.
- Robert N. Hanson